Miscellaneous Updates

No. We are not dead. The WNM is still alive and kicking. Sorry for the lack of updates and news.

Just a heads up that we have had some technical issues with our web store. We are working hard to get it fixed up and to do right by those impacted. We have temporarily closed the store until we can figure it out. Our sincere apologies.

We are finally going to dust off the WNM and play some shows this Fall. Stay tuned to the SHOWS link for info. The whole thing will be anchored by an appearance at Chad Dukes Veterans Day Jamboree in Leesburg Virginia. This will be a sold out affair so please get your tickets soon !

Meanwhile, we hope everyone is checking out Andy and Mason and their project Leon III. They released an album last year and have another in the works along with quite a few tour dates. Please check them out and follow them on instagram or twitter. They are playing some WNM songs on the road so go see a show if you can.

We have some things in the works so stay tuned and thanks for keeping the faith.